InLei Fix 2 Lash Fixing

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This essential product continues the nourishment of the lashes as it sets the desired curl in place as the second step in the InLei lash filler system, and neutralizes and secures the curvature of the lashes with silicone curlers. 

After applying InLei LASH FORM 1, use InLei LASH FIX 2 to enhance the natural beauty of your client's lashes. The final step in the system is InLei LASH FILL 3, which helps to nourish and build longer, thicker natural lashes. Together, these three products work to create healthier, more luscious lashes that your clients will love!

This essential product continues the nourishment of the lashes as it sets the desired curl in place as the second step in the InLei lash filler system, and neutralizes and secures the curvature of the lashes with silicone curlers. 

After applying InLei LASH FORM 1, use InLei LASH FIX 2 to enhance the natural beauty of your client's lashes. The final step in the system is InLei LASH FILL 3, which helps to nourish and build longer, thicker natural lashes. Together, these three products work to create healthier, more luscious lashes that your clients will love!